These modules developed from the Framework for Resilience-based Interventions, and support the areas of that framework with evidence-based, practical strategies and resources for young people and practitioners. The modules are themed according to the resources and assets required for young people to be resilient in the face of adversity, and for optimal development.

Creating safe & healthy environments **

Addressing basic needs **

Strengthening social networks *

Strengthening cultural, spiritual & place-based connections **

Facilitating social & economic participation **

Improving literacy & numeracy **

Maximising effectiveness of health & community services **

Building self-care knowledge & skills *

Protective behaviours for young people *


Strengthening problem-solving & decision-making skills **

Developing interpersonal skills *

Developing emotion regulation skills 

Teaching distress tolerance skills

Anger Management 


Building motivation **

Building self-esteem & self-efficacy **

Creating helpful beliefs & values *

* Currently in development

** Planned for development

Featured photography by YSAS staff member Rod, see more of his work at