Self-care is as much about motivation, self-worth, relationships and resources as it is about education. Barriers to self-care cannot be discussed without also discussing social, economic and environmental conditions that led to a neglect in self-care in the first place.
Young people who are economically disadvantaged will need practical support to get the resources necessary to achieve self care.
Other young people will need a supportive environment and relationships from which they can draw the necessary motivation and encouragement, to enact what they know.
Adversarial relationship or negative past experiences with professionals who could help young people care for themselves (ie: Doctors, Centrelink, lawyers, etc) can pose lingering barriers to self care. Youth AOD practitioners, with their expertise in engagement and report building, are well placed to share their knowledge with other professionals and broker positive relationships (or advocate for a young persons rights if need be).
Poor self worth and de-prioritisation are age old barriers to which there is no easy fix. Encouragingly however, all work done within the therapeutic relationship is a potential counter to poor self worth and like incidental exercise, each small action chips away at the larger whole.