Overwhelming emotions can both be the trigger for and the result of interpersonal conflict. These elements from ‘Dialectical Behaviour Therapy’ are also found within the Interpersonal Effectiveness module in this YouthAOD toolbox.
G6i. Mindful attention to interaction with others
This element, drawn from the Interpersonal Effectiveness module, uses mindfulness skills to enhance observation of facial expressions, body language, tone of voice and choice of words during a conversation. If we notice and can accurately assess the other person’s feelings and reactions as we communicate with them, this feedback helps us understand the effects that our expressions have on the other person. Receptivity to such feedback can help us modulate emotional expression.
G6ii. Recognising passive and aggressive behaviour
This element is also drawn from the Interpersonal Effectiveness module. Both passive and aggressive communication styles can contribute to problems in a relationship. If we recognise our usual style this can help us understand how our own behaviour might be shaping the behaviour of the other person. This might enable us to be more alert to potential problems before they become critical.